Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cooking Class #4

More magic tricks in class last night. Our homework assignment was to make a batch of chicken stock and bring it in for the chef's inspection.

Again, the chef looked at each container of stock, smelled the stock, and tasted it. Again, I was mesmerized.

"What kind of bones did you use? Did you use all chicken feet?"

"Too much water."

"You need to leave your sachet of spices in the stock longer."

"You added salt, didn't you?"

"It's too sweet. You added too many carrots."

The rest of the class was all demonstration. Chef made four of the five "mother" sauces and we tasted each one. White veloute (velvet) sauce, brown sauce, tomato sauce, and bechamel sauce. I've never seen so many people so happy. I dreamt about that veloute sauce last night.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Hi Kim,

This is a fun way to keep track of you. I swear, I'm never cooking for you again. You'll be the official visiting chef!

Keep up the great work!
