Thursday, July 19, 2007

Cooking Class #5

We spent the entire class in the kitchen tonight. Chef split us up into groups and assigned tasks.

Group One - chicken stock and carrot/parsnip soup
Group Two - veal stock and ratatouille
Group Three - Caramelized mirepoix (onions, celery, carrots browned in a saute pan) and roasted red pepper soup

The chef just rattled off ingredients to us for our dishes and we had to take notes and head for the kitchen. No recipes. My group (group three) met briefly and divided tasks to attack and conquer. What a team! We chopped, we diced, we simmered. The fronts of our chef jackets were no longer a pristine white. We had arrived.

Here's what the chef told us to include in our soup; it was delicious. I'm going to try and recreate it at home and when I perfect the recipe, I will share it.

1 gallon chicken stock
2 qts. cream
roasted red peppers
5 shallots
1 bulb garlic
diced tomatoes
ground coriander, cumin, chili powder
salt & pepper
blanched cabbage (garnish)


DonAngie said...

Sounds like you found an escalator to heaven with those ingredients! A fun trip all the way up!

G3 said...

Mmmmmmm, good!