Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cooking Class #6

Yesterday's class was all review for our upcoming finals. We bombarded the chef with questions; we toured the kitchens one last time to identify all large and small equipment. For our final demonstration, the chef poached some salmon and made Hollandaise sauce.

G made some coffee for me again. He set the timer on the coffeemaker to start at 6:05am. The caffeine was much appreciated, but I wasn't impressed with my mix of cream and sugar. G is our house mixologist (aka Sir Mixalot) so I'm spoiled. He always makes the perfect cup of coffee.

My biggest problem is drinking it though. During both Saturday classes, I dribbled coffee down the front of my chef jacket. Luckily, I learned in the very first class the reason that a chef jacket can button from the left and the right: to hide any stains. Brilliant.

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