Tuesday, August 28, 2007


My cooking classes are about to begin again. Today was our orientation at school and even though it was a bit sleep-inducing, I'm glad that I was there. All of the full-time chefs introduced themselves and had a few words of wisdom. Work hard, have fun, be true to yourself, take advantage of as many opportunities as possible.

The semesters are broken up into three five-week rotations. My first rotation is butchery. I can't wait to be able to break down a chicken in ten seconds flat.

On my way home from school, I stopped at a drive-thru for an Icee. As the drive-thru guy handed me my treat, he said, "Here you go, Beautiful." Whoa! I'll have to remind myself to stop there again for routine confidence building.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck... and don't forget to give your out of state pal some new tips/recipes that your learn !!